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Friday, July 6, 2012

DEVOTION: "Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power."(Ephesians 3:7)

 "Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power."(Ephesians 3:7)

"Minister of Grace" Below is a letter I received from our lead Pastor in India.  As most of you know I oversee and help guide these warriors of God. The church I pastor also helps provide their needs for ministry tools. We are in the process of praying in $12,000.00 to purchase a van and two motorcycles for God's House-India Churches. I am so humbled by this letter that I had to share it with our God's House/Scott Boatner Ministries International Family.
 Pastor Josh refers to watermelons in his last sentence because that's what they gave me along with coconut water to try and get me re-hydrated because I had de-hydrated to the point of being delirious on my 6th day there. Other than church and a few social outings I've pretty much been in bed trying to recover from the extreme conditions Daniel and I found ourselves in once we arrived.   FYI - Letter is posted as I received it- Be Blessed!

Beloved apsotle scotty
we thank you for your call and speaking to us.i understand you ,the
spirtuel warfare you are going throgh and in the church.because satan
is so jealosy about you when you came to india,you touched many and
laid hands&prayed for  thousends and thousends, not only that you
specially ordianaed 30 pastors equip for the raising the kingdom of
god through the teachings,not only that do you remember at last
meating people cameto you , just like flood when you gave alter call,i
was trying to  stop but was almost like a you crushed head of
satan by leading people into salvation.inever forget it .in commonly
india is the country where people blindly follow idolic hindhu
worshiip which god really hates your coming you  made big
DIFFRENCE.i dont know how you feel it but isay from my heart you
really did  great job.ibelive strongly in coming daysi gods peace and
blessings would rain on you .ilove you and honoryou sir.please pray
for all 30 pastors we ordianed&gave certficates to them on behalf of
our SBMinistries.sir my birthday on july10th,iwould love to be blessed
by you.,on that day iwill call you& to have prayer-blessings from
you.because last year you blessed me, lord used me and led me to
another year graciosly.we will continue to pray for you and madam kari
and all the godshouse famlies.sir please pray that  i would get good
girl  to be my life patner whom god has chosen for the way it is
very nessary for me to get soon in this year itself. thank you sir for
working on van and motorcycles ,iunderstand condition there ,it may
take time.please take care your health and have more water melloins
due to heat.
in christ"s harvest.
brother jashpaul.   (S B MINISTRIESINTERNATIONAL.)

Our ministry is recieving invitations from around the world to come and help, the need is great. Please Pray for our ministry as we try to reach as many people as we possibly can with God's provision.
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
Please join Scott Boatner Ministries International team and share with your friends. God's Blessing's to You!!

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