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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

"Diligent in Business"

"Diligent in Business"

Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Proverbs 22:29

"Diligence" Choosing your path and staying the course! There is nothing better that doing the right stuff and doing it consistently. Make God choices and stay the course. God has a plan for each of us, it basically will bring Glory to God and build us up. When we are faithful to Gods will for our lives, He will open up opportunities for us. First of all we need to expect opportunities, not walk around saying that good things will never happen to me. I hear people say all the time that all they have is bad luck, quit blaming your messed up life on everything that didn't go like you wished and people that didn't do as they should. (BTW, luck is not in the Bible and most people are human beings thereby being unreliable) As the verse says "Be diligent in your business", in other words, find out what your gifts are and do them. If you want great opportunities, start acting like you want them and believing for them to come. Let the walls come down that you've put up to protect yourself from being hurt, everyone is not out to get you. I know we've all been hurt at one time or another and we build protective walls. You know what, if we are not careful those same walls will keep opportunities out and begin to define who we are. Please don't let your hurts define who you are, sure they influence us, they change us, but we should let them make us better, not bitter. Bitterness is a wall built by past hurts that will stop us from seeing the great opportunities God has for us and bitterness is like a cancer that will eat you alive! Quit looking back and start looking ahead with hope and faith to the great future that God has for you. There are many passages of scripture that openly declare that our God can transform us from being last to first, dung hills to the palace, no more the tail but the head and make a desert become standing waters. Let your past go, get dressed for greatness because YOU are about to stand before Kings!!!

I Believe,
Scott Boatner
Scott Boatner Ministries International

Sent from my iPhone
Scott Boatner

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