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Friday, July 19, 2013

"Go YE Therefore"

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:"(Matthew 28:19)

"Go" To all the Preachers and their families that have left their homes to go to a foreign land to tell people about Jesus; To the unknown serving in forgotten places where without you they wouldn't have a witness. I don't know what to say to you but I wish you could see through the wireless world of technology and see the tears that are flooding down my face in your honor!! Ladies and Gentlemen, The Boatner's salute you because I know how forgotten you must feel at times, how you must miss your families, how you privately cry yourself to sleep some nights because you miss your homeland. You have a call on your life that others don't have, a call that you love, but sometimes, not so much, because of the pain of loneliness. I know I'm being brutally honest but I want you to know that there is a group of people in Philadelphia, MS-USA called "God's House" and the Scott Boatner Ministries International Family salute You!! We love, respect and honor you today for what you do for Jesus. Having been to a very "hotspot" in a third world country, so I know a little bit about how you feel. I'm personally sorry for not praying enough on your behalf, please forgive me? Before long I'll enter my 4th decade of ministry and I want to have a better grasp of the world not just the 4 walls of our comfortable American churches. Although I feel I'm called to the American church to inspire them to rise to the challenge of the moment. I fully believe there are enough resources in America to evangelize the World. Don't worry I'm not asking you for your money, I'll let God do that work in your life and I know you'll listen to His Voice. It's just my prayer that God use me and put the resources in my life that I need to do my part. Scott Boatner Ministries International has invitations from cities in Pakistan, Uganda and Kenya, Africa, the needs are overwhelming. They are hungry for help to get ministries birthed in their countries. I want to believe more, do more, be more and help enable other ministries to see the call of God on their lives fulfilled. Jesus is coming soon, we have a lot to do but if we all come together as one, I have no doubt that all of God's Plans for us will be done on time. So give yourself a knuckle bump from our ministry to yours, you deserve it and today we honor you for your great service. We love You!

I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
Please share with the people you know serving on foreign soil.
Scott Boatner Ministries International

Sent from my iPad
Scott Boatner

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