"He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds."(Psalm 147:3)
"Broken in Heart". Unfortunately broken hearts are common in our world today. They are the result of many diverse things that vary from country to country and family to family. Some children are broken hearted because they were brought into this world by people that don't really love them, they were just a by-product of a passionate moment and nothing more. Then on the other hand we have adults that are broken hearted because they have failed their children. Some people are broken hearted because someone has mistreated them or misunderstood them and said things that were not true because something upset them about that person. Maybe something as simple as a personality difference being blown out of proportion, maybe some form of jealousy or overlooking the truth to justify your hurt feelings so you can feel sorry for yourself. There are so many things that can break a person down to the point that they don't want to even get up and face another day. Are you there in the place of brokenness today? Has someone hurt you or have you hurt someone? The pain of being hurt and the guilt of hurting someone will eat you alive like a cancer. If you wrong someone that has been good to you, oops, not good!! "Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house."(Proverbs 17:13) But if you constantly let people trample on you in the name of being humble, that's unbelievable and will lead to a miserable life. It's all about the FORGIVNESS FACTOR, letting it go!!!! Right now wherever you are, give JESUS a high-5 and say, I'm over it!!! "Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye."(Colossians 3:13). When we forgive, we bear the pain of the wrong done to us. There is a possibility that the person you forgive will never even know that you forgave them and in some cases are so insensitive, they don't know the extent of your pain. The forgiveness process is mostly for your healing, without FORGIVNESS in your life, you carry your hurt, which is now bitterness that will destroy you. How do I know if it has turned to bitterness?, you say. It's sensitive, always close to the surface of your life and when you see the person that hurt you, OMG! You go to the next isle so you don't have to pretend to like them.
Yes, we may have to bear the pain of the wrong done, but so did Jesus, He bore it for us and LET IT GO!!!! "He Healeth the broken in Heart"
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
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