Amos 4:7 And also I have withholden the rain from you, when there were yet three months to the harvest: and I caused it to rain upon one city, and caused it not to rain upon another city: one piece was rained upon, and the piece whereupon it rained not withered.
"It's raining at my house". Amos the Prophet was describing how God can bless those that trust Him in spite of difficult times. This truth is found throughout the bible in many places. In the book of Exodus we find God's people with light in their houses and darkness in the world system. As always the knowledge of the world system is as darkness and they are blind to any solutions that bring peace and true prosperity. "The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.” (Proverbs 4:19) Their wells are dry and they are clueless as to why!! In Psalm 91 we are told that 11,000 may fall near you but it will not harm you if you are in covenant with God. The blind leaders of the blind always try to disguise their very public inability to lead our country by always blaming someone else. Seriously, when is someone in this country going to take responsibility for how dry our nation’s wells are is due to the absolute failure of leadership to be responsible. (I do not watch the news and I haven't in several years so I am speaking from my Spirit about our nation. So I assure you that this devotion is not written in response to some news broadcast nor directed at any one individual. If the shoe fits wear it.) It is my prayer that God will raise up an "Amos Generation" that will just call it what it is, "Your wells are dry because you miss-used the water and did not appreciate how nice it was to have a surplus of water in the "Well". The Bible is very clear that God's people are always the ones with the answers. Unfortunately the people that lead this country surround themselves with people that have agendas rather than God given vision; for the most part none of which have never heard from God and wouldn't know it if God did say something to them because they wouldn't recognize His voice. I believe God to take care of me and mine in spite of the actions of others. Bro Scott, What do you base your hope on in this particular situation? With all the wells going dry, how do you expect rain from heaven to keep your wells full? "And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not."(Isaiah 58:11)
No matter what happens God will take care of His own!!
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
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