"For thus saith the LORD unto the house of Israel, Seek ye me, and ye shall live:"( Amos 5:4)
"Seek Me". As I walked into my pulpit yesterday morning, I was heavily burdened about the condition of my country, America. The title of my sermon was "America is in trouble with God". My approach to this message was not one of hopelessness and detailed with all of our sins. I did not preach a sermon that dealt with our obvious violations of God's Covenants of Life, Marriage, etc.... Those are the sins of our hands that we are all very aware of and that get a lot of attention in pulpits across America every Sunday. With the help of the Holy Spirit and the Prophet Amos, I tried to go deeper into our hearts to get to the root of our problem. In 2 Chronchiles 7:14 Solomon said "If my people", the Apostle Peter said that "judgement must begin at the house of God". The backdrop of the book of Amos is a time of prosperity and blessing. Unfortunately they were so blessed they forgot who had blessed them, imagine that!! Just a few short years ago we were in an unprecedented time of blessing but now we are all faced with unprecedented fears that seem to be endless. Have we found ourselves in the same situation that God's People were in during Amos' ministry? As it was then, so it is today, "Seek Me and Live"! If we continue to put our trust in man then we will continue to be disappointed. "We the People", are constantly pointing fingers at someone else when God has obviously laid it at the door of the Church. Amos wasn't anyone special just a herdsman of sheep and a farmer but very anointed of God. Our problem in the American Church is very similar to the problem Amos was facing. We are so busy enjoying our religious drama and side shows that we've taken God's Voice for granted. "Behold, I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves."(Amos 2:13) Amos said that their service to God had become a burden to Him instead of a blessing of service and worship. The next time you go to church, "go to church", get serious with God about our future, our children and country. As a Prophet of God, I beg you to rise up and let's get our country back on track. "If My People"
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
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