"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance."(Psalm 33:12)
"Blessed" The word "Blessed" in this passage means "Happy" in the Hebrew dictionary. In order to maintain the "Happy Life", we need to worship God. In a perfect world, our entire nation would worship God in unison. We have a lot of stress and unhappiness in the USA because as a nation we are slowly drifting from God being our Lord! Our nation was founded upon the premises of Christian principles and religious freedom. The founders of our great nation were not perfect but being led by God, they set up the guidelines for a great country with freedoms that allow us to worship freely. As with all things, human nature is dependable to abuse freedoms and that is the reason for laws. Life continues, one generation passes off the scene, then comes another that amends or changes the last generations laws and slowly the foundation upon which we rest begins to deteriorate. The one unchanging factor that we all have at our disposal is the unchanging Word of God. We must begin to take responsibility for our nation by electing leaders that represent our Christian values and not their personal agendas. We are slowly becoming a country that is controlled by personal interest groups, in other words, we vote you in but then you owe us!! Then the leadership starts paying off their obligations in congressional funding for "brother-in-law" projects. These projects pay high salaries to groups of people who do absolutely nothing to increase the quality of life for anyone but themselves. After a few years of this type of mentality, it becomes the norm, so by this time some leaders have lost their ethics and only care about the money that is deposited in their bank accounts. The next step in this type of deterioration is to be so blind as to think that the money will never run out. The government itself lives off of tax dollars collected from the working man, business owners and people that actually produce revenue rather than live off someone else's money. The more any government takes over the day to day life of its people, the farther away from center we slide as a nation. When the government runs the people rather than the people running the government, it always fails,it always has. Our hope is in God being our Lord and it is our responsibility to give much prayer to the future of our country. We must not take our Blessings for granted but be on the offense to promote Godly government rather than the defense against one that has failed. Let's stay Blessed by keeping God in our government.
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
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