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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

DEVOTION: "The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect."(Psalms 33:10)

"The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect."(Psalms 33:10)

"The heathen to nought” The Hebrew word for heathen here is our word for nations. I'm very aware that the nations of the world are in chaos and turmoil to the point of wars on every hand. Jesus Christ prophesied that in the last days there would be wars and rumors of wars. In other words, if we are not fighting, we are talking about going to war with someone. I'm a Preacher of Hope, I try to avoid bringing people down but the truth is the truth and according the bible there are several more world wars to be fought. There will be some major conflicts during the 7 year tribulation period (Jacob's Trouble) and then the Mac-daddy of all wars-Armageddon!! Don't worry, if you’re saved, you will be at the Judgment seat of Christ and The Marriage Supper of The Lamb during the tribulation period. It is a time when God's Wrath is poured out on earth to align the nations and bring Israel back to God. This 7 year period will begin when the church is caught away to meet Jesus in the air. All of the stories you see on the news about the world system being in chaos is just the fulfillment of the prophetic Scriptures about the lining up of the nations for the end of time as we know it now, but we still have a job to do for Jesus!!! We are to warn every man of the pending Judgment of God in eternity without Christ.
"Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus :" (Colossians 1:28)
In order to present Christ correctly, we must preach hope through the Grace of God!! The message of Hope is what the Gospel (Good News) is all about; Paul refers to it as "Christ in You, the Hope of Glory". (Colossians 1:27) Please don't be too concerned about what is going on in the world political arena because God Himself will bring it all to naught, bring it to a halt at The Battle of Armageddon then the Prince of Peace will rule the world on the throne of David in Israel. This earthly Kingdom of Christ will last for a thousand years and all men of all nations will be subject to Christ. Just keep serving Jesus every day, walking in love, peace and hope, God will take care of the rest.

Pastor Scott L. Boatner
Please join Scott Boatner Ministries International team and share with your friends. God's Blessing's to You!!

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