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Monday, December 13, 2021

Your Darkest Hour.....

Your greatest trial will process you deeply, it will break you, sift and shake you but it will also produce your greatest victory!! That moment you've waited for all your life will come forth from your darkest night!!

If you are in your darkest hour then you have already questioned my initial statement because you are more than certain that I'm wrong and you are not going to make it through this one....not this time….It is just one past too many….

You feel alone because you are alone, humanly speaking, no one and I mean no one can help you but Jesus Christ!! I am more than certain that Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel, etc… would agree with my statements!

Please be advised that satan knows your name, he knows you is because of that very fact I can tell you without any doubt that if satan knows you then God knows you because He is your Heavenly Father!! He has washed you in the Blood of His Son and the Holy Spirit dwells within you by which you are baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire!!

There was an altercation with satan in Acts 19:15. The evil spirit spoke..."Jesus I know and Paul I know but WHO ARE YOU?" That's a great question, "Who are you?"

Believe it or not but there are those that are so complacent concerning spiritual matters that they never even disturb our enemy enough to get his attention. Trust me if you have his attention, you have God's attention!!!

You are extremely valuable to God for many reasons but the foundational reason is He gave His Son for YOU! Therefore you actually have a purpose! You are not just randomly and aimlessly bouncing down the road. Everything in your life is pushing you to the most powerful day's of your life!!

So stay suited up in the Armor of God, Keep the Word in your mind and mouth!! You will still be standing when this is over, satan will be under your feet and you will be MORE THAN A CONQUEROR!!

"Nay, in all these things WE ARE MORE conquerors through him that loved us." (Romans‬ ‭8:37)

"And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen." (Romans‬ ‭16:20‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

I Believe,
Pastor Scott L. Boatner

#IBeleive #Now #Own #Psalm91 #Wearemore

Scott Boatner

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