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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Don’t confuse Peter with Judas simply because they are both sitting…

Your friend Peter is a type A personality, rough around the edges, carries a sword and will possibly hurt your feelings with some random outburst!!

Your friend Judas, however, is whatever the moment calls for;

The Physician Luke tells us that not one of the Apostles had a clue that Judas was a traitor, liar and thief after 3.5 years of intimate ministry together!! (Luke 22:21-23) The Apostles were shocked!! This happened the night before Jesus died during the "Passover Supper".

If you are not careful, with the natural eye, Judas will look a lot better than Peter but Peter will stand at the Gates of Hell with you, sword in hand!

Judas will not stand with you!!! Judas will tell you what you want to hear. Peter will tell what you need to hear! Judas consoles your flesh, Peter confronts your flesh!!

Peter gives more than he takes but Judas takes more than he gives!! The sooner you see who's who at your table the safer you will be. Tread lightly and wisely because somethings are not easily done!!

You will not need your Judas but you will need your Peter in spite of his many imperfections!!! Please don't confuse your Peter with your Judas, it's more easily done than you know!! If that were not so there wouldn't be so much conflict in the "Church".

It's time to downsize your inner circle because time is short, the days are evil, Jesus is Coming and Judas will just be in the way.

"And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had UNDERSTANDING OF THE TIMES, to know what Israel ought to do;"(1 Chronicles‬ ‭12:32‬a KJV‬‬)

I have had both Peter and Judas at my table!! I've tried to keep Peter at my table!! I have tried to let "My Judas" go, so he can do what he does best, betray his own….. Judas has a problem that he doesn't know exist, he cannot outrun his own betrayal….

"Now this man (Judas) purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out."(Acts‬ ‭1:18‬ ‭KJV‬‬)
If you will just identify your Judas, let them go….He will simply implode on his own watch!!!

I Believe,
Pastor Scott L. Boatner

#IBelieve #Now #Psalm91

God Bless,
Scott L. Boatner 

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