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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thank You for your service!!!

Veterans Day is an official United States public holiday, observed annually on November 11, that honors military veterans, that is, persons who served in the United States Armed Forces. Please see comments for explanation of those pictured and those not pictured!
God Bless America!!!

There are 6 men in the photo, the five Mannings are the brothers of my grandmother, Alma Manning that married Ethel Boatner. GP Morris married their sister, Ludie Manning Morris. (Not Pictured) Alvin Adcock married their sister, Earsel Manning Adcock. Huland Boatner at age 17, was taken to the bus station by OB Boatner in a log truck to catch a bus which ultimately led Huland to Europe fighting Germans. Huland was the oldest son of Ethel and Alma Boatner. Ivan Manning, son of Earlie Manning, gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country. So, PaPa and MaMa Manning had 5 sons, 2 son in laws, a 17 year old grandson and a cousin in WW2 at the same time. I cannot begin to imagine how they processed that stress from day to day, only God knows!! They all returned home alive with the exception of Ivan Manning. PaPa and MaMa Manning's great grandson, grandson of Alma Manning, Randall Boatner served in Vietnam. He return home safely in 1971. I would also like to mention my mothers side of my family, Wayne Breedlove, Bonnie Breedlove Boatner's brother served in the Korean War also returning home safely. I am honored to have such a legacy of true Americans that, when called upon to serve this great nation in its darkest hours, they answered that call to serve. The stories I've been told over the years still brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my heart. Unfortunately we have so many people that have no idea what sacrifices were made to give us what we are so easily giving up today. Recently, some research was done on the Boatner side of the family. We found out that a German was the first Boatner on American soil and served in the Revolutionary War. He modified his German name to Lewis Boatner, married a French lady and here we are today. If you have never left American soil to visit another country, especially a 3rd world country, you have no idea how Blessed we are today. Please pray for our country on a daily basis and ask God to have Mercy on us!!! God Bless America!!!!

Scott L. Boatner

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