Every act of God is something that we cannot do in the natural with our own power!! To not believe in the miraculous is to not know that your brain is functioning, your lungs are taking in oxygen to be placed in your blood which is then transported and delivered to every part of your body. To say "I don't believe in the supernatural" is the equivalent of absolutely having no idea that God causes your heart to beat every minute of your life. These amazing bodily functions continue while you sleep so we basically live in the supernatural every second of our life!!! If you don't believe me go get you some dirt, make a man, name him Adam and breathe life into him!!!! Let me know how that works out for you......O', I almost forgot, when you get Adam going on his own, put him to sleep, remove a rib from his side and make him a woman named Eve then get both of them up and going!!!! They have to be male and female so they can bear seed after their own kind because everything in the Garden created by God can produce. Yes, I would conclude that we ALL, child of God or not, are a walking miracle 24/7!!!!! God help us understand your power and help us walk in that supernatural miraculous power in all things without any doubt about what You are ABLE to do for us, in us, through us at any moment!!!!
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,"
(Ephesians 3:20 KJV)
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
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