It doesn't matter how good you are, how good of a handle you have on life or how accomplished you are, it can come crashing down around you. A "Life Crash" is when you seem to do everything right but everything comes crashing down any way. We live on a sin cursed earth that is filled with death traps that we often step in without seeing them or having any idea that they even exist, much less that we are about to step in one. We all have "Why's" in our lives. The Bible answers most of them if you really search the scriptures. I preached a series of sermons that answered many of the why's in our lives but there are a few why's that come with the territory of living on a sin cursed earth that may never be answered here. In 11 Samuel 6:9, David asked God "How" can I get past this rather than "Why" did this instance occur. A friend, a leader in David's army had just died doing what David told him to do but David was a warrior and wanted to know "How" to win. Warriors cry later but today they fight!! When we get slapped in the face with a "Mysterious Trial", do like David, stop the band and ask "How" can we get past this hurdle in life"? It's human nature to ask why things happen and true enough, we need to learn from our yesterday's so we don't repeat any mistakes that we've made in our past. When one of David's men died stabilizing the Ark, David asked God, "How" can we move forward in spite of this issue. After three months David got his answer from God and completed his mission for the Kingdom of God. David was aware that life is a vapor and he didn't have forever to get the job done. We are not promised tomorrow, so whatever you are going to do, you need to be getting it done. I wouldn't waste my life with petty things, being dramatic or fleshly because this could be your last day on earth. Let's make it count for good, give the people you associate with something good to say after you are gone. Let's take another view of life, what if you are frustrated with someone over something petty, you wake up tomorrow and they are gone! Life is a vapor!! "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."(James 4:14)
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
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