And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season WE SHALL REAP, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9
Have you been on the journey of Faith for a while? Long enough to know that life is real every day? I'm real sure that's why the Bible calls it Faith. Just trust God and keep moving, for we shall REAP A BLESSING from Heaven in due season!! Paul used an agriculture analogy to make his point of reaping. First you need some good soil, where are you labouring? Is it good ground? Jesus taught about the different types of soil. To get the best harvest, you must start with the best soil. Unfortunately, a lot of us sow our lives into soil that will not produce, it is depleted of the proper nutrients that is required to reap a harvest. We invest with no return, expend our spiritual energy into relationships, churches, ministries, and dead end jobs that will never produce fruit. You may ask, why we do this, well, we don't like to admit that we are at the wrong place. O' yes we are doing the right things but at the wrong place. Why? We are comfortable, obligated, afraid of change or just plain don't know that there is a better place to sow our seed. All change is not bad or wrong, if you need to move on to better soil, pull an Abraham, pack your bags and set out to find your place for reaping. But before you set out on your new journey, please consider that it takes a while to till the soil, plant the seed, hoe the weeds, pray for rain, kill the insects and then pick the harvest. It sure sounds like a whole lot of work. A whole lot of work is better than wondering around all your life and never finding a place to put down roots. You ever notice in the Bible that God never called lazy people into service. Just talk to Jesus about where you need to sow and He will show you. When He confirms your heart you will know and then you can start to RECIEVE the Ephesians 3:20 BLESSING!!! Above and beyond your imagination!!! I can't wait, because its going to be GREAT!! "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,"(Ephesians 3:20)
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
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