"Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour."
(Romans 13:7)
The pictures we posted yesterday were pictures of children that live in mud huts along the river in the south eastern jungles of India. After spending several days in the jungle with our lead Pastor I gave him permission to follow his spirit as to the use of any money we send him. You may ask how I could feel comfortable giving him that kind of freedom. I've sat where he sits, ate what little he eats, slept where he sleeps, preached where he preaches and walked in his shoes for several days, believe me, the sacrifice they make for Jesus Christ is beyond human comprehension. The people that live in the mud/thatch huts by the river lose everything they can't carry in their hands once a year during the rainy season when their homes are washed away. I know you are wondering why they build the mud huts back every year. It's the only place they have to call their own. It's not really theirs but since it has no value or use of any kind due to the rainy season, they get to live there except during the rainy season at which time they are displaced or wandering homeless, hungry and hopeless with nothing but the clothes on their back. Now I ask you, WWJD? We wear shirts, jewelry, etc with that acronym on it but how often do we give the only money we have to those that have less than nothing. Most of our pastors have some type of housing. Let me explain housing in this part of India. If you are blessed enough to have a home, it has no water, no refrigerator, no stove, no a/c, just a single light bulb dangling from the ceiling but you can go outside, pump some water in a bucket and take a bath if its not during the drought, at which time the well has no water. Your home there would be about 20 feet by 20 feet with four generations living under one roof sleeping on the floor. Since its not a Christian nation, preaching the Gospel is not exactly the safest thing you can do. According to the "Voice of the Martyrs" web site 171,000 Christians per year are brutally murdered in the world because they call Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior. The area in which we minister, the area in which these pictures were taken, is called a "hotspot". A hotspot is a geographical location where people are killed for believing in Jesus Christ. Please go to "Voice of the Martyrs" website and search India, you will need to be emotionally prepared for what you are going to read. As I stated earlier, I have been there, moved from safe house to safe house, walking through the jungle in the dark for safety, you have no idea how you need to pray for these amazing Heroes of Faith!!I. If you will go to my ministry Facebook page, Scott Boatner Ministries International, you will see a pic of me in dark shades with a thatch hut behind me. In this picture I was staring down a group of very unfriendly non-Christian people that were not thrilled by our baptismal service. (People have asked me about my solemn expression in this photo, thats my "Intimidate the enemy face") The hut behind me is a hut that is now washed away by the floods. When God's House wired money to the Pastors in India last week we sent them extra for their children's school supplies but once they received their money all the Pastoral families voted unanimously to buy food and clothes for the river children. It's amazing how people who have nothing, gives what has been given to them, to those who have less than nothing!! I'm blown away by my faith heroes in India. To the 35 Pastors in India that I personally ordained to preach the Gospel, I honor you! You are once again shining lights in a dark world. But Bro Scott, what are you going to do about the Pastors children's school supplies that are under your watch care? We will send them some more money, God will provide!!!
I Believe,
Scott Boatner
Scott Boatner Ministries International
(Footnote- Feeling sad due the multiple invites from Pakistan, Uganda, Kenya, etc..that due to a lack of resources I cannot respond to, other than council and prayer. Please pray for those suffering for their Faith)
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Scott Boatner
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