"Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth."(Job 40:4)
"My Mouth". In this passage, it's the same Job that was in chapter one. In name only, on the inside, he was a completely different man. You notice, he says he's vile!! The Job in chapter one was all about what He was doing for God, Family and others. There is actually a list in certain chapters about the good things Job did and the bad things he didn't do. Human nature is always very proud of the good we do and the bad in which we don't engage. By chapter 40 Job has realized that he's not the "super spiritual man" that he thought he was in chapter one. In chapter one, we read about Job doing great things for God but in chapter 42, God is doing great things for Job and there is a vast difference between the two. The difference in being religious or being spiritual, religious is centered around doing things that make you feel good about yourself. Spirituality has to do with being filled with God, His Word, not following man made rules that make humans feel good about themselves. By the time Job gets to chapter 40, he realizes that he's not "the man", so he gets quieter as the days go by. I must be about chapter 40 of my life, I find myself getting quieter. I've realized that I probably don't know all the facts so I'll join Job and put my hand over my mouth. If I was asked to describe my life today I would say, "Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth.” Job had spoken things that he regretted, believed things about God that wasn't completely balanced but now he's balancing and about to be blessed. He has overcome his greatest fears, he's lost his loved ones, he's scraped the sores on his body, and he finally looks within and covers his mouth to say no more. "And that ye study to be quiet ;"( Thessalonians 4:11). Some things are better left un-said. Please think before you say things about others, when you obviously don't know the whole story. God Bless
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
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