"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."(Proverbs 17:22)
"Dry Bones". Your bones are filled with marrow that creates life within you, without it you will die. If your spirit is broken due to some painful event in your past, it has become a part of who you are, it has defined you. It will change your personality, rob you of your joy and like a cancer, will consume your whole life. It will consume you to a point that you don't even remember the last time you truly had a merry heart. Sure you put on your smiley face when the kids do something funny or if you are in the ministry, you put on smiley church face for those you minister to, but what about you? So, forgive the person that hurt you, try to forget the experience, get the joy of Jesus in your life and let's get some happy back in our lives. "A merry heart doth good like a medicine", get you some merry medicine from JESUS because the joy of the Lord is our strength. (Nehiamiah 8:10) Bad things can creep into your life because you left the back door open to your past hurts, close the back door of your life and nail it shut for good. For Christ sake, for your sake, for your family's sake don't let the vacuum of the past drain you to the point that you have no future. In your mind, if your past is bigger than your future, then use forgiveness as a tool from God to put some distance between you and yesterday. Start living in the future by faith in Jesus Christ and the Hope that the Word of God gives.
"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."(Romans 10:17). If you will read the Bible, you will find out that your past has been dealt with at the Cross of Christ and your future is bright. "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."(Proverbs 4:18). You can't walk forward while constantly looking backward or you will constantly be stumbling over your past so you'll never get anywhere.
Life is a journey so do an about face on your past and let's get moving forward!
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
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